Friday, January 7, 2011


These icy-cold winters have not only made our hands & feet numb, but the chill has hit some of the hearts as well. I was just pondering over the happenings in the last few years of my life; and realized how every person has a phase, like a part to play in your life. Exactly two years back, when my life was surrounded by shit, like deep-immature-shit; then god had sent a stupid loving angel, to help me walk through my haunted dreams. Correction; a normal-egoistic-friend.  And when my life became a bed of roses, not literally but when happiness was galore, he walked off. Vanished; left; and every other synonym that describes the impact of leaving without informing, and explaining the “OH-WHY-WHAT HAPPENED as such” of the friendship.

No matter how hard you try to stick to somebody, or be in love with, you move on after a while. There are very few people who actually strike the right chord in your heart. Such that, we cry when they feel pain, we smile when they are happy, and most of it, we bear the scar and the emptiness when they leave us. Life moves on and the impact of such people subsides with time. But the void remains and that kills!

I still wonder what happened that made me lose my best friend. Or probably I do. I don’t know! But the haziness and the fogged air in this friendship, has made it reach the danger level; which I detest. Badly. And these winters have made him cold too. I really want it to snow in Delhi, but I wonder if it does, then it’s gonna make his heart more numb to reality, me and a lotta other things.

Aaah! God! Please help me get my Costa mornings back; my super expensive lunch treats back, the ear to my never ending nonsense talks and most of it, my genie back. This is my first, frozen 2011 prayer; a wish which i really want you to grant .Just be around; like always.
I'll wish and I’ll pray. 

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