Wednesday, September 11, 2013

+ 12:30 hours

It's been a little more than a year I wrote something for myself. I mean, this- my little space. But, today seemed like a perfect moment to recommit to what I love.

Checking few things- earphones plugged in. Volume upped to maximum- just to put off the irksome environment. I started. And I lost myself in a jiffy. I felt nervous- jumpy, like a butterfly tingling effect in my stomach, which never really happened before. THAT feeling!

I’m going to bury that away, and let the happiness of the reason outshine it.

Back in 2011, one stupid boy walked in my life. He blissfully came, did what he was ‘famous’ for, and made a quiet entry in my life. Slyly.  Somewhere between knowing each other and today; he termed me an emotionally damaged girl. And I went a step ahead and wrote a blog post about how I’m just emotionally cautious and not dam-blah-ged! (Oh! 21 year olds do that! *_*). And he, just to add, was another ‘age-not-to-be-mentioned’ boy who probably reacted more to Google than human feelings.

Well, that was two years ago. Things changed.

Call it his nature; where he couldn’t really leave anything midway and had to sort/ organize things (emotional damage) like he wanted; or simple boy falling in love with a stupid girl; we’ve reached here.

Following its routine, time has changed significantly. By 12 and half hours precisely.

Among many here-and-there rules, celebrating birthday together was one of them. Today, is his birthday. And I couldn’t really think of any other way to celebrate it, by writing; by recommitting to one thing I love more.

Watch me over when I call it a day.
Let’s dance to the tune, as you say.
It’s just a beautiful mess over here.
Let me gaze till the clock strikes 12 there.
Happy Birthday.
Love, yours. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

I'll be back!

Hello! Blogger world!

Yes! Yes! I am alive. A little under the weather and world; but breathing!
It's been about an year I have written something for my personal space, my personal zone, for Suburban Dreamer. And trust me, it's a terrible terrible feeling.

Well! Let bygones be bygones. The dreamer is back. I am back with stories, feelings, wishes, dreams and a lot more.

Before that. My little sister has decided to make use of her lazy vacations to revamp my blog to the new age tech, app, design and everything. Sounds exciting? Well, I am freaked!

Just hold on to see a revamped mature Suburban Dreamer in few days.
Till then,
Happy reading! :)